How to Prep Parts for Powder Coating Correctly

Left part after chemical stripping, right after chemical stripping and media blasting. This is how the left part should have looked and why the powder flaked off.
This weekend, our good customer Keith dropped off a few items he needed powder coating correctly applied for his 2014 Subaru Impreza show car.
The bumper canards Keith purchased from an aftermarket parts company coated them satin black. As he was installing the parts onto his car, the powder started flaking off around the screw holes. Immediately he knew that he needed to get them recoated and have them powder coated correctly. Keith called us on Thursday and we told him we would need to strip them back to bare metal and correctly prep them for powder coating correctly.
We chemically stripped them and after 5 minutes, we knew they were not prepped the right way. As you can see in the photo, the part on the left is how the company coated the part. The part on the right is what the left should have looked like and taken about 30 minutes to chemical strip. The part on the right was media blasted at Meister Werks with 36 grit aluminum oxide. This will give the powder ‘bite’ and allow it to stick much better than the smooth surface seen on the left part. This exactly why you can not powder coat over chrome. There is nothing for the powder to stick to and will flake off almost immediately.
The next time you need your project done correctly, call Meister Werks. We do large production runs and single items as well. We also shoot satin black almost every Friday as a part of our Black Friday special. To make an appointment or with any questions, call 425-254-0627 or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA.