Coding, Updating & Programming Control Modules

Meister Werks now has the ability to code, update & program control modules. We can fully scan your BMW, VW or Audi and verify that the control modules are up to date.

The manufacturers regularly update software that is necessary for a efficiently running vehicle. When cars are first manufactured, the parameters are written for very tight tolerances. As the cars age and parts start to break in, some parameters can slightly shift out. This can cause check engine lights or components to no longer function. Often, this does not mean than the part is faulty, the software just needs updated. Just like your laptop computer or smart phone.

2006 BMW M6 V10

In the case of this 2006 BMW M6 V10, there were many modules that would not function even after we replaced the faulty components. The communication between modules would no longer talk to each other. After scanning this BMW with our new software, we found many modules were out of date. After performing an update, the car ran and sounded much better. The steering column switch that failed, now is functional. The software will also tell us if there is a faulty component, a wire short and where the location of that is. This makes diagnosing you vehicle much quicker and the result is a potentially smaller repair bill.

In this instance, the screen shot shows the version ID from BMW’s plant in Munich, Germany (outlined in red) is much older than the software on the vehicle. Our software connects directly to the manufacturer, insuring the most up to date software is loaded onto your vehicle. This will update everything from engine control modules and transmission control modules to the radio, battery control modules and even the instrument cluster.

More Info

If you have any questions about this service, feel free to contact us any time for a estimate or an appointment. To make an appointment for your vehicle’s coding, updating & programming control modules, call 425-254-0627 or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA, across the street from The Boeing Store and on west side of the Paccar / Kenworth plant.


Porsche 911 / 996 Headlight Refurbishing

Our customer brought in his set of Porsche 911 / 996 Turbo for headlight refurbishing. The lens were oxidized and dull when they arrived. This is cause from the sun light’s UV breaking down the surface of the lens. We wet sand all the contaminants out, clean and spray with our special clearcoat. This clearcoat is the same acrylic makeup as the lens which bonds with it down to the molecular structure. Not only that, but the clear coat adds a layer of protection against fading or oxidation. The clear coat also dries very glossy and there is no need for wet sanding or buffing after the clear coat dries. However, we can do this and is an additional option if you upon request.

Note: Some imperfections are within the inside of the lens area and are unable to be removed. New housing would be an alternative to getting brand new headlights.

Powder Coating Harley-Davidson Parts

Our long time friend Pete came in last week for powder coating Harley-Davidson chrome parts for his motorcycle bike. Since we can not powder coat directly over chrome, we knew we had a challenge.

We would need to etch the chrome in some way for the powder to stick. We ended up media blasting the chrome with 34 grit aluminum oxide. This takes about four times longer than any other material to etch.

We set up our automated media blaster with rotisserie to blast his items for about an hour. After that done, we did touch ups for around 30 minutes to get everything even and etched properly. We then cleaned and prepped the surface throughly and hung the parts for powder coating. We use Cardnal Industrial Finishes, BLACK Super Durable 90 Gloss, color code P009-BK180. This extremely glossy powder will withstands the riggers of the road and lasts five times longer than any other powder. As you can see the finish and the glossiness is pretty amazing.

To make an appointment to have us do powder coating Harley-Davidson parts, call 425-254-0627 – Ex 0, or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA.


Mounting and Balancing Tires on Flat Lip 3 Piece Wheels

We regularly receive jobs in the shop for mounting and balancing tires for flat lip, 3 piece wheels. This can pose a challenge as the back barrels do not have a drop for us to dismount the tire properly.

When performing this service, we have to remove the face side tire first. We always use the Motion Pro Rim Shield guards to protect the wheel lips. After that, we remove the tire from the machine. Using the bead breaker, we push the rest of the tire off into the tire well or tire drop portion of the wheel. Once this is achieved, we return the wheel and tire to the machine and remove the rest of the tire. Mounting can also be challenging, but in this video instance, there was not a problem. People with stretched tires will have more issues getting them to bead on the wheel lip beads correctly.

Even though this video is sped up, this requires more labor to remove the tire. We charge an hourly rate for all custom 3 piece wheels. If you have a standard wheel, made by your vehicle’s manufacturer, there is no need to worry. There will not be any additional charge for standard wheels.

With a purchase of tires at Meister Werks, we also offer free flat repair, free tire rotation and we will warranty your tires if there is a warranty issue with the manufacturers milage warranty. Anther service we offer is wheel alignment. On our state of the art 3d laser alignment machine, we will be able to dial in your alignment. This will eliminate unnecessary tire wear and prolong the life of your tires.

To make an appointment to have your tires changed, call 425-254-0627 or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA.

How to Prep Parts for Powder Coating Correctly

Left part after chemical stripping, right after chemical stripping and media blasting. This is how the left part should have looked and why the powder flaked off.

This weekend, our good customer Keith dropped off a few items he needed powder coating correctly applied for his 2014 Subaru Impreza show car.

The bumper canards Keith purchased from an aftermarket parts company coated them satin black. As he was installing the parts onto his car, the powder started flaking off around the screw holes. Immediately he knew that he needed to get them recoated and have them powder coated correctly.  Keith called us on Thursday and we told him we would need to strip them back to bare metal and correctly prep them for powder coating correctly.

Keith’s 2014 Subaru Impreza Before Installing Parts

We chemically stripped them and after 5 minutes, we knew they were not prepped the right way. As you can see in the photo, the part on the left is how the company coated the part. The part on the right is what the left should have looked like and taken about 30 minutes to chemical strip. The part on the right was media blasted at Meister Werks with 36 grit aluminum oxide. This will give the powder ‘bite’ and allow it to stick much better than the smooth surface seen on the left part. This exactly why you can not powder coat over chrome. There is nothing for the powder to stick to and will flake off almost immediately.

The next time you need your project done correctly, call Meister Werks. We do large production runs and single items as well. We also shoot satin black almost every Friday as a part of our Black Friday special. To make an appointment or with any questions, call 425-254-0627 or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA.

After Powder Coating

After Installation

After Installation


VW Scirocco Brake Upgrade

Last week we upgraded a 1980 Mk1 Scirocco 9.4″ non-vented to 10.1″ vented brakes from a 1988 Mk2 Scirocco 16v. We also upgraded the brake lines to braided stainless steel and ran a new brake hard line to the master cylinder that was seized while doing the upgrade.


Powder Coating S550 Mercedes-Benz Wheel Project

Last week, we completed a customer’s Mercedes Benz wheel project. We powder coated the wheels super durable red, coated the calipers, installed new brake pads and rot

ors and made new decals for the wheels and calipers.

The process for the S550 Mercedes Benz wheel project started with freshly chemically stripped wheels, cleaned and prepped. two coats were applied (not in video) to hide thin spots and to ensure a uniform finish. This powder has a 90% gloss and looks wet all the time. It’s very easy to clean due to the glossy nature of the powder. Soap and water clean the brake dust off with ease. We also coated the calipers black, installed AMG decals on the calipers and logos, Mercedes logos on the caps and finished it off by replacing the brake pads and rotors. with Akebono zero dust pads and Zimmerman rotors.

To get your car customized, call 425-254-0627 or email us. Meister Werks European & Import is located one block south from The Renton Landing in Renton, WA.